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Our First Full Week by Oak Class

Reception stayed all day on Monday and felt so good about it they decided to stay all day for the rest of the week ! They even experienced a wet play on Thursday. 

Before it went all autumnal on Thursday the class got outside and went forest gazing. Put another way, we laid on our backs under trees and marvelled at the beauty of the green leaves as we looked skywards. I predict that next time we do this we find non-green leaves floating down towards us. We also found Oak trees. Delightfully, one of the children speculated, "Are the trees named after us ?"  

Some of us are continuing to write poetry about our senses and ourselves. I introduced some of the class to Boney Tony who was very interesting as he was able to show us how the foot bones connect to the leg bones, how the leg bones connect to the pelvic bones and can guess the rest. We have had a lot of exercise this week and spent quite a bit of time outside on kindly donated balance bikes, trikes, scooters, a bike  and other vehicles.

The classroom role play house has become a doctors as you can see from the photo. No reports of covid bugs yet !

Year One children were very excited when I talked about their new home learning books. I decided not to reveal to them this was the start of 12 years of homework !
