2018 – 2019
- Hedgehogs class trip to The Etches Collection
- Avon Heath Country Park
- Purbeck Sports Awards
- New Barn Continued.....
- New Barn Day 1
- Careers Afternoon
- Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre Continued...........
- Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre
- Card Creations
- Superhero Squirrels!
- Squirrels Week in pictures
- Athletics at The Purbeck Sports Centre
- Squirrels Safari!
- Searching for Frogs
- Squirrels in Africa
- Spiritual Garden
- Squirrels flight to Nairobi
- Foxes Visit to SafeWise
- Squirrels Ready for Take Off!
- Jousting Squirrels
- Owls Computing Lesson
- Budding Firefighters!
- Fun Science Dorset
- Slim Jim's Recycling Assembly
- St. George's Day
- Carey Camp
- Animal loving Squirrels
- Squirrels Easter Week
- Active Squirrels
- Hedgehogs visiting the chicks
- Chick Update
- Eggsciting Times!
- Red Nose Day
- Owls Science Week Fun - Wednesday
- Owls Science Week Fun - Tuesday
- Owls Science Week Fun - Monday
- Squirrels Science Week - Monday
- Badgers Class Clay Work
- Hedgehogs Topic Work
- Squirrels week in pictures
- World Book Day
- Tennis Assembly
- Seriously Busy Squirrels
- Squirrels searching for Spring
- Tree Planting
- Goldilocks Visit
- Cross Country at The Purbeck School
- School Vision
- RSPB Visit to Hedgehogs
- Olympic Owls
- RSPB Visit to Squirrels
- What size Squirrels!
- Aha! Aho! Tracks in the Snow!
- Music Workshop
- Year 6 Debating
- Dancing Squirrels
- Football Match - Wool V Bovington
- Open The Book
- Another visitor in Squirrels
- Squirrels Visitors
- Owls First Week of 2019
- Hedgehogs IT Lesson
- Squirrels First Week of 2019!
- Intruder Alert!!
- Christmas Carols around Wool
- Squirrels Christmas Fun
- Congratulations!
- Tudor Banquet Day
- Football News
- What an eventful day!
- Christmas Fun in Squirrels
- Nativity
- Owls class at Wool Pre School Nativity
- Christmas Cafe
- Festive Squirrels
- Christmas Lunch
- Badgers Recorder Concert
- Metaphors
- Rainforest Performance
- Thank you East Stoke and Wool Community Chest
- Where have the Bog Babies gone?
- Badgers Scary Stories
- Busy Squirrels
- Wonderful Writers
- Owls Learning Web
- Bog Baby
- Roman Day
- Lovely Leaves
- Our week in Squirrels
- Remembrance Service
- Wool Bridge
- Spectacular Squirrels
- Lunch with the Headteacher
- Fantastic Football
- Maths Open Afternoon
- Super Squirrels
- The Big Red Dog!
- Beat the Street
- Historical Letters
- Good Work Assembly
- Trees for Dorset
- Visit From an Author
- Celebrating Achievements
- Dorset Music Service
- Pupil Voice
- Phonics Workshop for Parents
- Praise Awards
- Terrible Tudors
- Performance Poetry