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PTFA - Parents, Teacher and Friends Association


We welcome you to the PTFA page of our website


All Parents who have children at our school automatically become members of our PTFA. We depend on as many of you as possible to come to our regular meetings to help plan and run many fun events throughout the year, such as the Summer Fair, the Christmas Fair, Wool Carnival, Film nights, discos and so much more........

The money raised at these events is used to fund a SCARF visit from Life Education Wessex, subsidise class trips, provide new sports and playground equipment to name just a few. 


Our  members for 2023-2024 are:

Chair - Jess Fisher 

Treasurer - Megan Barnes

Secretary - Louise Grady

Staff Representatives - Jenny Gillam and Emma Robinson

Member - Liz Maidment

Member - Abi House

Member - Jenny Clark

Member - Lucy Green

Member - Tracey Hayward

Member - Sarah Foley

Member - Kerri Jacques

Member - Eloise Ruffell

Member - Helen Robertson

Member - Imogen le Sueur

Member - Gemma Kellock

Member - George Butler 

Member - Tash Akers

Upcoming Events:


Friday 5th July - School Disco - KS1 3:15 - 4:00, KS2 4:00 - 4:45

