Beech Class
Welcome to Beech Class
Class Teacher: Mr Charman
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Collington and Miss Baird
I am the subject leader for PE, History and Geography and I am truly passionate about these subjects. We have invested in some fantastic resources to support teaching these lessons across all year groups. I engage in regular meetings with The Purbeck Sports Partnership and Wool Primary will be taking part in a variety of inter-school sporting activities this academic year. I am also responsible for meeting with the School Council regularly to gather pupil feedback on a range of issues from school values, charity fundraising to our lunchtime provision.
Home learning is set each Friday and is due to be handed in on the following Wednesday. Please also make use of our online subscription Times Tables Rock Stars as well as reading three times a week with your child.
Our PE lessons take place each Tuesday and Friday, children should come into school wearing their PE kit on these days please.
On Thursday's in autumn 1, spring 1 and summer 1 we enjoy a forest school lesson led by Primary Forest and Outdoor Education. Children should please wear their PE kit and bring outer clothes suitable for the weather conditions and should always bring a change of footwear for these sessions.
Parent/Teacher Consultation meetings are scheduled to take place in October and I look forward to discussing your child's progress and next steps with you then.
If you have any questions or concerns before this date, please do not hesitate to speak with me on the door after school or alternatively, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.