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Early Help

Early Help Offer


The Governors and staff at Wool CE Primary School have a responsibility to promote the safeguarding and welfare of all children in our care.

Child Protection is everyone’s business, if you have any immediate concerns about a child’s safety, you should contact and request urgent help. You can also contact Mrs Griffiths (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Mrs Robinson or Miss Hardy (Deputy Designated Lead).


Wool Primary School take their responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding seriously and ensure that all staff have a clear understanding of the role they play in keeping children safe, which includes being trained on how to recognise, respond and report abuse and neglect in all its forms.


What is Early Help?

Our Early Help offer is designed to support parents and families who need help or advice of any kind. We have a purpose built provision in the Acer Base. Support may include completing an assessment form, being signposted to external agencies or being referred to one of our in school specialists which include a Family Support Worker and an Attachment and Trauma trained Teacher.


What we offer

  • Breakfast Club
  • 1:1 pastoral support for parents and children
  • Family Support work in and out of school
  • Key adult meet and greet
  • Learning interventions
  • After school activities
  • Behaviour Support for parents and children
  • Foodbank vouchers and delivery
  • Referral to outside agencies


Who school may refer to 

  • Early Help Team
  • Children and Young Peoples Services
  • Counselling Services
  • Parental Courses
  • School Nurse
  • Speech and Language Services
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Young Carers


We have regular PSHE assemblies which support and inform children on how to articulate any worries that they may have and that all staff will take their concerns seriously.

Further Support:
