Jotter Pods
Over the last few weeks, children in Ladybirds Class have been bringing in empty crisp tubes .... and today, they found out why! Every child chose some wrapping paper and decorated their pot. After writing their name on a label, they then waited to see what it was for. Everyone was very excited to be given some colourful paper, new pencils and bright pens. We are really hoping our new Jotter Pods will help us with our independent writing. We can take them anywhere and use them to write words, sentences and ideas. For example, we can take them into out outside area when we are exploring in the sand, or even jot down some ideas whilst in the role-play area.
This afternoon, however, we ventured outside and enjoyed writing in the sunshine! We decided to go outside to find some flowers after one member of our class suggested putting some flowers in our Healthy Cafe role play area. When we came back from our walk, we had picked some beautiful daffodils and had also made good use of our Jotter Pods!
Please keep bringing in any empty crisp tubes, though, because we would love to make some more Jotter Pods to use at home!