Part of the School Community
Our vision directly refers to the significant and positive impact our community has on our children at Wool Primary. The church community is very much involved in our school in a number of ways and enables us to enhance the provision we offer.
Collective Worship
Leaders from Holy Rood Church, lead our collective worship sessions once a week. During this time, we often meet in the church so that children are able to experience worship and reflection in this setting.
Lots of members of the church community come together to lead Open the Book sessions once a fortnight. Children love these interactive and dramatic retellings from Bible stories!
Some members of the church community are also regularly seen listening to children read during the school day. We are very grateful to everyone who takes on this role and the children love spending time with them and celebrating successes together!
Messy Vintage
Friends from the church community visit the school once a week to lead Messy Vintage sessions. These involve members of the older generation working with some of our younger pupils to complete crafts and activities that stem from Biblical teachings. It is a really special time and conversations reflect the value questioning and discussion can have on our personal spiritual journeys.