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Attendance and Late/Absence Procedures

Our Attendance Vision


Parents/carers are required to contact their child’s school on the first day of their child’s absence and every day thereafter. 

If it is clear from the initial communication on day one that the absence will extend for a given period (for example, a child who

has an infectious illness), it is not necessary for the school to be notified every day during the absence period but parents/carers

must contact the school if the absence period becomes protracted.  This is an important aspect of the schools’ safeguarding procedures: if a child is not registered at school in the morning, then schools must satisfy themselves that the child is safe.  It is therefore necessary for parents/carers to have contacted their child’s school by 9am, giving a reason for their child’s absence.  This absence will then be recorded as authorised, provided that the reason for absence is significant and that there are no current concerns about the child’s attendance. 



If a pupil arrives at school after the start of the school day (8:40), they will be registered as ‘late’ (L): this is not an unauthorised absence and the pupil is counted as present for the morning session.  Lateness after 9:15 will be counted as an unauthorised absence (U) unless parents/carers provide the school with an acceptable reason.


CLP schools will also contact parents/carers if a child regularly arrives at school late. Teachers and other staff who notice a problem with punctuality will consult with the Headteacher before communication is made with parents/carers regarding the matter.


Persistent lateness will be addressed according to the particular circumstances; it is likely that persistent lateness will have triggered the previous low attendance measures.  Advice regarding persistent lateness may be sought from the Local Authority.
