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Collective Worship

Whole school collective worship takes place every day at Wool Primary.  Every afternoon ends with us gathering together to share a special time of worship.  Spending time each day with a focus on our school values and reflective discussions about Bible texts enables us to gain a clear grounding as we move from school to home.  If guidance requires us to put additional measures in place in response to the coronavirus pandemic, sometimes our collective worship sessions will take place virtually.  


The tables below outline how our collective worship times are organised throughout the year.




Autumn 1

School vision and values


  • Our School Vision
  • school values
  • Being Thankful

Autumn 2




  • Jesus Light of the World
  • Remembrance
  • Advent
  • The Nativity Story
  • Giving

Spring 1

The Bible 




  • The Big Story of the Bible
  • The Baptism of Jesus (New Beginnings)
  • Conversion of St Paul (Changes)
  • Prayer

Spring 2





  • Ash Wednesday and Lent
  • What can Bible stories teach us about our school values? 
  • The Easter Story

Summer 1


  • Parables
  • Pentecost

Summer 2


  • Love
  • Being an Agent of Change
  • Transition: Looking Back and Moving Forward




Collective Worship

Adult Lead



Whole school: Main Theme (see above)

Mrs Griffiths


Class: Picture News

Members of the staff team


Whole School

Members of the Benefice

(Rev Richard or Open the Book)


Class: Time to talk/Songs of Praise

Members of the staff team


Whole School: Celebrations

Mrs Griffiths





Collective Worship

Music in Collective Worship

The families, staff and children of Wool CE Primary have chosen some musical pieces which help us reflect on our school values.  These are used during Collective Worship times.

Picture News

Picture News is a wonderful resource we use to provide an opportunity for children to discuss a topical world issue.  Each week we focus on a special poster which provides a image from the news that week and a big question.  From this stimulus, we consider different points of view, thing deeply about our own opinions and consider what take away ideas we have now as a result of our discussions.  This special collective worship time encourages a sense of courageous advocacy so our children know they are global citizens and that each and everyone of us can make a positive difference not just within our school but also on the rest of the world.
