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SEND at Wool CE Primary School


Miss N Hardy



'Wool CE Primary School is an inclusive school which is underpinned by mutual respect.  We have high expectations and aspirations for all our children and provide the very best education we can for all, irrespective of their educational or medical needs. 

Special Educational Needs and Disability(SEND) provision at Wool is flexible and varied in order that all our children have equal opportunities to access the full curriculum, with reasonable modification or support. This may take the form of adapting the learning environment, providing specific resources or a learning support assistant working with a child in class or for individual or small group intervention work.


We aim to work closely with parents/carers to ensure the best provision for our children with SEND. We have an 'open door' policy so parents can share any concerns and regular meetings are held with the class teacher to review progress.  

We also work with outside agencies and therapists to acquire extra support for children who have specific needs. As a staff we regularly undertake ongoing professional development to enable us to meet the needs of our children. 

Miss Natasha Hardy, is responsible for coordinating SEND with support from a strong and passionate pastoral team. Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mr Mike Glanville.

For more detail about how we support our children with SEND, please see the information report below.

Our policies for SEND as well as Disability and Equality are available on the policy page. Alternatively, Miss Hardy would be very pleased to answer anything you would like to know about how we support children with SEND or any medical condition.'

NHS ParentLine

The NHS are delighted to now  be able to provide a confidential text messaging service to the Parents and Carers of children and young people aged between 5 and 19. This text messaging service will be called ParentLine 5-19 and from 1st November Parents will also be able to gain advice from a member of the School Nursing team via text message for topics such as Development, Healthy eating, Weight management, Behaviour management, Emotional health and wellbeing, Toileting, Sleep and more.

How it will work:

  • Parent/carer sends a text message to the ParentLine 5-19 number 
  • An automated reply confirms the message has been received.
  • A trained healthcare professional from the School Nursing team will respond to the message between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday (Excluding weekends, bank holidays and School Holidays) within 24 working hours.

Please note that ParentLine 5-19 will initially only be available during School Term times and will be closed during School Holidays and this should not be used as an emergency service - urgent help should be sought from an NHS walk-in centre or call NHS 111, or in an emergency, dial 999 or go to A&E.


ParentLine 5-19 (Text messaging service)- 07312263131 text for advice from a member of the School Nursing team

One number for any advice calls about children


You now only need to call one phone number if you want any advice or have concerns about a child in the Dorset Council area.


If you're worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person who lives in Dorset contact our Family Support and Advice Line.

When you call us we can talk to you about confidentiality and how we are going to use any information you give us.


Speak to a practitioner today if you have any worries or concerns about a child or young person.


Contact The Family Support and Advice Line, which is available 24/7 on 01305 228558



