Safeguarding at Wool CE Primary School is of the upmost importance.
The dedicated staff of Wool CE Primary School have regular training in relation to both Special Educational Needs and Safeguarding / Child protection. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the SENCO, Miss N Hardy or Mrs Griffiths (Headteacher) who will be happy to help. Mrs Robinson is also a Deputy Safeguarding Lead. Email:
The safeguarding of our pupils is our top priority and staff, volunteers and parents/carers have a responsibility to ensuring our children's safety. We strive to ensure there is always a DSL on site so anyone is able to raise a concern, no matter how big or how small. Don't think "What if I'm wrong?" but "What if I'm right?" The concerns you have might form part of a bigger picture which could help prevent harm to a young person. Giving families help at an early stage can help prevent the escalation of safeguarding concerns and we are committed to working with parents/carers and other agencies to do this effectively.
Safeguarding Policies
Prevent Strategy
Safeguarding Resources for Parents/Carers
One number for any advice calls about children!
You now only need to call one phone number if you want any advice or have concerns about a child in the Dorset Council area.
The Children’s Advice and Duty (ChAD) Service, which is available from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm on weekdays and 9.00 am to 10.00 pm on weekends, will also take calls from people seeking advice about their child’s learning.
For further help and support with any safeguarding issues please visit: Dorset Council Children's Advice and Duty Service or call 01305 228866
Please find below links for Childline, NSPCC, Thinkuknow and Dorset Police Domestic Abuse
T - Tell
E - Explain
D - Describe