Who’s Who
Come and meet the staff at our school!
Name | Role | Responsibilities |
Mrs Griffiths | Headteacher | Designated Safeguarding Lead SIAMS and Collective Worship Lead RE Lead Educational Visits Lead Online Safety Lead Anti-Bullying Champion Young Carer Champion
Miss Hardy |
Deputy Headteacher, SENCO and Inclusion Lead
| Deputy DSL SEND and Inclusion Lead Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead (PSHCE, RSE, SMSC) Designated Teacher for Children in Care |
Mrs O'Connor |
Year 5 / 6 Class Teacher
English Lead Curriculum and KS2 Assessment Lead Pupil Premium Lead Computing Lead MFL Lead Music Lead |
Mr Charman | Year 3 / 4 Class Teacher | PE Lead History Lead Geography Lead |
Mrs Johnson | Assistant Headteacher and Year 1 / 2 Class Teacher
| Maths Lead Science Lead KS1 Assessment Lead |
Miss Snooks | Reception Class Teacher | EYFS Lead Phonics Lead Art Lead DT Lead
Murphy - School Welfare Dog
Murphy is a labrador and pointer cross breed and he is owned by Mrs Griffiths and her family. Murphy comes into school regularly and interacts with the children in a number of ways (for example, he listens to children read and spends some 1:1 time with pupils to support them pastorally).
Skittles and Marbles are our school guinea pigs. Miss Hardy and Mrs Harris look after the guinea pigs out of school hours and while they are in school they enjoy being cuddled, stroked and cared for by our pupils.